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Welcome to our Ongoing Training !


At Lusso Clean LLC , we believe in the growth and development of our team members. This ongoing training website is designed to provide you with valuable resources and opportunities for continuous learning and professional advancement. Here, you will find a variety of training modules, courses, and resources tailored to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and empower you to excel in your role.


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Image by Quin Stevenson


 The Importance of Adequate Sleep for Optimal Work Performance


Getting enough sleep is often overlooked in our busy lives, but it plays a vital role in our overall well-being and work performance. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, ensuring you have a restful night's sleep is essential for maintaining productivity, focus, and mental and physical health throughout the workday. In this article, we will explore the importance of getting enough sleep before heading to work, along with the pros and cons of sleep deprivation.


The Benefits of Sufficient Sleep:


1. Enhanced Cognitive Function:

Adequate sleep improves cognitive abilities such as concentration, memory retention, and problem-solving skills. When well-rested, you're better equipped to process information efficiently and make sound decisions, leading to increased productivity and effectiveness at work.


2. Increased Alertness and Energy Levels:

A good night's sleep revitalizes your body and mind, allowing you to start the day feeling refreshed and energized. This leads to improved alertness, attentiveness, and reaction times, all of which are crucial for performing tasks accurately and safely in the workplace.


3. Improved Mood and Emotional Well-being:

Ample sleep positively influences your mood and emotional well-being. It helps regulate emotions, reduces irritability and stress, and promotes a more positive outlook. This emotional stability contributes to better relationships with colleagues and a healthier work environment.


4. Enhanced Creativity and Problem-solving:

During sleep, your brain processes and consolidates information gathered throughout the day, enabling creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Sufficient sleep fosters a clearer mind, promoting innovation and effective decision-making in the workplace.


The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation:


1. Reduced Focus and Productivity:

Lack of sleep impairs your ability to concentrate and stay focused, leading to decreased productivity and an increased likelihood of errors and accidents. This can negatively impact work quality and performance, hampering progress on tasks and projects.


2. Impaired Decision-making:

Sleep deprivation affects judgment and critical thinking, making it challenging to assess situations accurately and make informed decisions. Poor decision-making can have far-reaching consequences for both individuals and their organizations.


3. Increased Health Risks:

Chronic sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on physical health. It weakens the immune system, increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, obesity, and diabetes, and contributes to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. These health challenges can disrupt work attendance, performance, and overall job satisfaction.


4. Strained Interpersonal Relationships:

Lack of sleep can impact your interactions with colleagues, leading to irritability, impatience, and reduced tolerance. This can strain workplace relationships and create a negative work environment, affecting teamwork, collaboration, and overall morale.



 The Power of Good Hygiene at Work


Maintaining good hygiene at work is more important than ever. Beyond personal health, it contributes to a safe and productive workplace environment for both employees and customers. In this short article, we explore the significance of good hygiene practices at work and how they positively impact overall well-being and business success.


1. Promoting Health and Preventing Illness:

Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, sanitizing, and proper coughing/sneezing etiquette, play a critical role in preventing the spread of illness. By practicing good hygiene, employees can reduce the transmission of germs and bacteria, minimizing the risk of infections and keeping themselves and their colleagues healthy. This results in fewer sick days, improved well-being, and increased productivity.


2. Creating a Positive and Professional Image:

Maintaining good hygiene reflects professionalism and care for oneself and others. A clean and tidy appearance, including well-groomed hair, neatly trimmed nails, and clean clothing, contributes to a positive and favorable impression in the workplace. Employees who prioritize hygiene demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high standards and projecting a positive image to clients, customers, and colleagues.


3. Enhancing Workplace Safety:

Good hygiene practices go hand in hand with workplace safety. Regular cleaning and sanitization of shared spaces, such as desks, common areas, and restroom facilities, reduce the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of germs. Additionally, keeping workstations and equipment clean and free from clutter helps prevent accidents and injuries, ensuring a safer working environment for all.


4. Boosting Employee Morale and Confidence:

A clean and hygienic workplace fosters a positive and uplifting atmosphere. Employees who work in a clean and well-maintained environment feel more valued, motivated, and confident in their work. Good hygiene practices create a sense of pride in the workplace, contributing to higher employee morale and overall job satisfaction.


5. Improving Customer Satisfaction:

For businesses that interact with customers directly, good hygiene is vital in creating a positive customer experience. Whether it's a restaurant, retail store, or office space, customers appreciate a clean and hygienic environment. Cleanliness not only enhances customer comfort but also promotes trust and confidence in the business's professionalism and commitment to customer well-being.


Good hygiene practices at work are integral to maintaining a healthy, safe, and successful workplace. By prioritizing hygiene, employees can protect their health and the well-being of their colleagues, reduce the spread of illness, and create a positive and professional image. Cleanliness fosters a positive work environment, boosts employee morale, and enhances customer satisfaction. Remember, good hygiene is not just a personal responsibility; it is an investment in the collective well-being and success of the workplace. By embracing good hygiene practices, we create a healthier and more productive work environment for all.

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Image by Afif Ramdhasuma


 No Smoking Policy:


At Lusso Clean, we take the health and well-being of our clients and their properties very seriously. As part of our commitment to providing a safe and comfortable environment, we have implemented a strict No Smoking Policy. This policy prohibits smoking inside our clients' properties and within a significant radius of 2 miles from their premises.


Rationale for the No Smoking Policy:

- Protecting Indoor Air Quality: Smoking can release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, which can compromise the indoor air quality and be detrimental to the health of occupants.

- Reducing Fire Hazards: Smoking materials pose a significant fire risk, especially in areas where flammable materials or equipment may be present.

- Respecting Client Preferences: Some clients may have allergies or sensitivities to smoke, and our policy ensures their comfort and satisfaction with our services.

- Maintaining Professionalism: By adhering to a No Smoking Policy, we demonstrate our commitment to professionalism and respect for our clients' properties.


Enforcement and Communication:

- All employees, contractors, and visitors are required to comply with the No Smoking Policy during their time at or near the clients' properties.

- A clear and visible No Smoking sign will be displayed at the entrance and other prominent locations of the client's property to communicate our policy effectively.

- During orientation and training, all new team members will be informed about the No Smoking Policy, and its importance in upholding our company values.

- We will actively encourage open communication with our team members to address any questions or concerns related to the policy.


Consequences of Non-Compliance:

- Non-compliance with the No Smoking Policy will result in disciplinary actions, which may include verbal warnings, written warnings, or, in severe cases, termination of employment or contract.

- Employees and contractors found violating the policy may be subject to corrective action, which will be taken seriously to maintain the integrity of our commitment to a smoke-free environment.


Supporting a Smoke-Free Environment:

- We are dedicated to helping our team members who may wish to quit smoking. If any employee seeks assistance in quitting smoking, we will offer support and resources to aid in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle.


We appreciate the cooperation of all team members and contractors in adhering to our No Smoking Policy. By working together, we can create a safer and healthier environment for our clients and uphold our reputation for providing exceptional services.

Professional Conduct and Appearance:


At Lusso Clean, we uphold the highest standards of professionalism to ensure an exceptional experience for our clients. As representatives of our company, all employees and contractors are required to follow these guidelines to maintain professionalism and respect when working near our clients' properties.


1. No Loud Music Policy:

- Avoid playing loud music while driving, especially when in proximity to our clients' properties. Noise disturbances can be disruptive and disrespectful to our clients and their neighbors.


2. Professional Conduct:

- Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times when interacting with clients and their property. Show respect and consideration for their privacy and preferences.


3. Friendly Greetings:

- Always greet our customers with a friendly and courteous demeanor. A warm welcome sets a positive tone for the client's experience with our services.


4. Neat Supplies Handling:

- Organize and secure your cleaning supplies neatly to prevent spills or messes while moving between locations. Keep your work area tidy and clean up after each task.


5. Appropriate Attire:

- Dress in a professional and presentable manner while on the job. Avoid clothing with logos, offensive prints, or wording that could be deemed inappropriate.


6. Maintain Grooming Standards:

- Ensure your appearance is well-groomed and presentable. Keep hair, facial hair, and nails clean and well-maintained.


7. Professional Communication:

- Use professional language and communication when speaking with clients, team members, and anyone associated with our company.


8. Adherence to Safety Practices:

- Follow all safety guidelines and protocols to minimize risks and ensure the safety of yourself, clients, and their property.


9. Respect Client's Privacy:

- Be mindful of client privacy and refrain from sharing any personal information or details about the clients or their property with unauthorized individuals.


10. Representing Our Company:

- While on the job, you are representing [Your Company Name]. Demonstrate the values and reputation of our company through your conduct and interactions.


Consequences of Non-Compliance:

- Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including verbal or written warnings, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and recurrence of the violation.


By adhering to these principles, we reinforce our commitment to professionalism, respect, and excellence in all aspects of our work. Thank you for upholding these standards and contributing to the success and reputation of Lusso Clean.


Combating Harassment and Discrimination: Fostering Inclusive Workplaces

Harassment and discrimination have no place in any workplace. They not only violate individuals' rights but also erode trust, hinder productivity, and create a toxic work environment. In this short article, we address the importance of recognizing, addressing, and preventing harassment and discrimination to foster inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive.


1. Understanding Harassment and Discrimination:

Harassment refers to unwanted behavior, including verbal, physical, or visual acts, that belittle, intimidate, or offend individuals based on protected characteristics such as gender, race, religion, or disability. Discrimination, on the other hand, involves treating individuals differently or unfairly based on these same protected characteristics. Recognizing the different forms of harassment and discrimination is crucial in addressing and preventing such behaviors.


2. Promoting a Culture of Respect and Inclusion:

A key step in combating harassment and discrimination is fostering a culture of respect and inclusion. Organizations should establish clear policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, and communicate these values to employees. Training programs on unconscious bias, sensitivity, and cultural competency can help create awareness and provide employees with the tools to challenge discriminatory behavior.


3. Creating Reporting Mechanisms:

Encouraging open communication and creating safe reporting mechanisms are essential for addressing harassment and discrimination effectively. Employees should be aware of reporting channels and assured that their concerns will be taken seriously and treated confidentially. This empowers victims and witnesses to come forward, ensuring that incidents are properly investigated and appropriate action is taken.


4. Holding Perpetrators Accountable:

Organizations must hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. Swift and fair investigations should be conducted, and appropriate disciplinary measures taken when harassment or discrimination is substantiated. This sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated, fostering a safer and more respectful work environment.


5. Education and Training:

Regular education and training programs on harassment and discrimination prevention are vital for promoting awareness and understanding among all employees. These programs should cover topics such as respectful communication, bystander intervention, and creating inclusive workspaces. By equipping employees with knowledge and tools, organizations empower them to actively contribute to a respectful and discrimination-free workplace.


 Professionalism in House Cleaning: The Importance of Maintaining Boundaries with Customers


When providing house cleaning services, it is crucial to maintain a high level of professionalism and respect for the boundaries of customers. Engaging in personal, religious, or political conversations, asking for food or drinks, or venturing beyond the scope of the work can compromise the trust and professionalism expected in such professional relationships. In this article, we emphasize the significance of adhering to these boundaries and the positive impact it has on customer satisfaction and the overall service experience.


1. Respecting Personal Space and Privacy:

As house cleaners, it is essential to respect the personal space and privacy of customers. Engaging in personal conversations or asking intrusive questions can make customers feel uncomfortable or invaded. By maintaining a professional demeanor and focusing solely on the work at hand, cleaners create an environment that respects the privacy and boundaries of the homeowner.


2. Avoiding Controversial Topics:

Personal, religious, and political conversations can often be polarizing and lead to misunderstandings or discomfort. As professionals, it is important to steer clear of such topics during the course of cleaning. Respecting diverse viewpoints and avoiding potential conflicts allows for a harmonious and pleasant service experience.


3. Focusing on Customer Service and Satisfaction:

A primary goal of house cleaning services is to ensure customer satisfaction. By prioritizing the completion of assigned tasks and maintaining a professional approach, cleaners demonstrate their commitment to meeting customer expectations. Engaging in personal conversations or other distractions can divert attention from the quality of work being performed, potentially undermining the overall service experience.


4. Upholding the Reputation of the Cleaning Industry:

Professionalism is a cornerstone of the cleaning industry. By adhering to the principles of maintaining boundaries and avoiding personal conversations, cleaners contribute to the positive reputation of the industry as a whole. This reputation not only enhances customer trust and loyalty but also attracts new clients seeking reliable and professional service providers.


5. Preserving Efficiency and Time Management:

Engaging in personal conversations or requesting food and drinks can lead to distractions and time wastage. By focusing solely on the tasks at hand, cleaners ensure efficient time management, enabling them to complete the assigned work within the allocated timeframe. This commitment to professionalism and efficiency is highly valued by customers who appreciate punctuality and respect for their schedules.


Theft Policy

At Lusso Clean, we uphold the highest standards of integrity and trust in all our business operations. Our Thief Policy aims to ensure the protection of our clients' properties, maintain a safe working environment, and foster a culture of honesty and accountability among our team members.


1. Zero-Tolerance for Theft:

Lusso Clean has a strict zero-tolerance policy for any form of theft, including stealing, misappropriation of client belongings, or fraudulent activities. Engaging in theft will result in immediate termination of employment or contract.


2. Client Property Respect:

Our team members must treat our clients' properties with the utmost respect and refrain from taking anything that does not belong to them. Respect for client belongings is crucial to maintaining a positive client experience and trust in our services.


3. Reporting Suspected Theft:

If any team member suspects theft or observes any suspicious behavior related to theft, it is their responsibility to report it immediately to their supervisor or a higher authority within the company. Reporting theft helps us address any potential issues promptly.


4. Confidentiality and Privacy:

Team members must respect the privacy of our clients and must not disclose any personal information or details about clients or their properties to unauthorized individuals.


5. Security Measures:

Lusso Clean will implement appropriate security measures to safeguard clients' belongings and sensitive information. Team members must adhere to these security protocols and ensure the safety of client property.

6. Background Checks:

As part of our commitment to the safety and security of our clients, all potential employees and contractors will undergo thorough background checks before joining our team.


7. Professionalism and Accountability:

Our team members must conduct themselves with professionalism, honesty, and accountability at all times. This includes respecting client property, adhering to company policies, and upholding ethical standards.


8. Consequences of Non-Compliance:

Failure to adhere to the Thief Policy may result in immediate termination of employment or contract, and legal action may be pursued if necessary.


9. Training and Education:

Lusso Clean will provide ongoing training and education to our team members regarding theft prevention, ethical conduct, and security measures.


10. Commitment to Trust:

We value the trust our clients place in us, and we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and integrity in all our interactions.


By following the guidelines outlined in the Thief Policy, Lusso Clean ensures the protection of our clients' properties and upholds our commitment to providing a reliable and trustworthy cleaning service.


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Image by Diana Polekhina



 Ensuring Product and Chemical Safety: Why Knowledge Matters

In our modern lives, we interact with a myriad of products and chemicals daily, from household cleaners to personal care items. While these products offer convenience and functionality, it is crucial to understand the importance of product and chemical safety. Educating ourselves about potential hazards, proper usage, and safe handling practices is essential for safeguarding our health and the well-being of our communities. In this article, we delve into the significance of learning about product and chemical safety and how it empowers us to make informed decisions.


1. Protecting Human Health:

Product and chemical safety knowledge allows us to identify potential risks and take appropriate precautions to protect our well-being. By understanding the proper handling, storage, and usage of products, we can minimize the chances of accidents, adverse health effects, and long-term complications. This knowledge is particularly vital when it comes to substances such as cleaning agents, pesticides, or cosmetics that may contain potentially harmful ingredients.


2. Promoting Environmental Stewardship:

Learning about product and chemical safety extends beyond personal health; it encompasses environmental responsibility as well. By being aware of the environmental impact of certain products and chemicals, we can make more sustainable choices and reduce pollution. This knowledge empowers us to select eco-friendly options, dispose of hazardous materials correctly, and support companies that prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship.


3. Preventing Accidents and Injuries:

Ignorance regarding product and chemical safety can lead to accidents and injuries. Understanding proper handling techniques, following usage instructions, and recognizing warning labels significantly reduce the risk of mishaps. Whether it's using protective gear when handling hazardous substances or ensuring proper ventilation in enclosed spaces, knowledge plays a crucial role in preventing accidents and protecting ourselves and others.


4. Educating Future Generations:

By learning about product and chemical safety, we become equipped to educate and guide future generations. Teaching our children, students, and communities about safe practices instills a culture of responsibility and empowers others to make informed decisions. This knowledge empowers us to create safer environments at home, schools, and workplaces, fostering a safer and healthier society as a whole.


5. Navigating Consumer Choices:

The ability to evaluate product labels, understand ingredient lists, and recognize safety certifications empowers consumers to make informed choices. Knowledge of product and chemical safety enables us to select products that align with our health concerns, ethical values, and environmental priorities. By supporting companies that prioritize safety and sustainability, we encourage responsible business practices and contribute to a healthier marketplace.


Understanding product and chemical safety is not only a personal responsibility but a societal obligation. Equipping ourselves with knowledge about potential hazards, safe handling practices, and eco-friendly alternatives enables us to protect our health, safeguard the environment, and make informed consumer choices. By prioritizing education and embracing safe practices, we contribute to a culture of well-being, sustainability, and responsible consumption. Together, let us strive for a world where product and chemical safety are ingrained in our daily lives, ensuring the health and safety of current and future generations.

Anchor 4
Image by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot



Basic House Cleaning Checklist:



- Wipe down countertops, backsplash, and sink.

- Clean the exterior of appliances (microwave, oven, refrigerator, etc.).

- Clean stove/cooktop and range hood.

- Wash dishes and load/unload the dishwasher.

- Sweep and mop the floor.



- Clean and disinfect the toilet, sink, bathtub/shower, and faucets.

- Wipe down bathroom countertops.

- Clean mirrors and glass surfaces.

- Empty and clean trash bins.

- Sweep and mop the floor.


Bedrooms and Living Areas:

- Dust and wipe down all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and baseboards.

- Vacuum carpets and area rugs.

- Sweep and mop hard floors.

- Clean mirrors and glass surfaces.

- Empty and clean trash bins.


Windows and Window Sills:

- Clean interior window panes and wipe down window sills.


Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures:

- Dust and clean ceiling fans and light fixtures.


Cobweb Removal:

- Check for cobwebs in corners and ceilings, and remove them.


Baseboards and Trim:

- Wipe down baseboards and trim throughout the house.


Doors and Door Frames:

- Clean doors and door frames, removing fingerprints and smudges.



- Clean and disinfect light switches and doorknobs.

- Dust and wipe down electronics, such as TVs and computer screens.

- Tidy up entryway and front porch (if applicable).


Remember, this is just a basic checklist, and you can customize it to fit your specific cleaning needs. You can also add or remove tasks as necessary to create a thorough cleaning routine for your home. Happy cleaning!

Deep Cleaning House Checklist:



-Clean and disinfect countertops, backsplash, and sink.

-Wipe down kitchen cabinets, handles, and knobs.

-Clean interior and exterior of appliances (oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.).

-Remove grime and grease from stove and range hood.

- Clean microwave inside and out.

- Empty and clean the inside of the refrigerator, discarding expired items.

-Sweep and mop the kitchen floor.



- Clean and disinfect the toilet, sink, bathtub/shower, and faucets.

-Scrub and remove soap scum from tiles and shower doors.

- Polish mirrors and glass surfaces.

- Clean and disinfect bathroom countertops.

- Replace old shower curtains if necessary.

- Sweep and mop the bathroom floor.


Bedrooms and Living Areas:

- Dust and wipe down all surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and baseboards.

- Vacuum carpets and area rugs thoroughly.

-Sweep and mop hard floors.

- Clean mirrors and glass surfaces.

- Wipe down light switches and doorknobs.

-Empty and clean trash bins.


Windows and Window Sills:

- Clean interior and exterior window panes.

- Wipe down window sills and tracks.


Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures:

- Dust and clean ceiling fans and light fixtures.


Curtains and Blinds:

-Vacuum or wash curtains and blinds.


Air Vents and Registers:

- Remove dust and debris from air vents and registers.


Cobweb Removal:

- Check for cobwebs in corners and ceilings, and remove them.


Baseboards and Trim:

-Wipe down baseboards and trim throughout the house.


Doors and Door Frames:

- Clean doors and door frames, removing fingerprints and smudges.


Under Furniture and Appliances:

- Move furniture and appliances to clean underneath and behind them.


Upholstery and Carpets:

- Deep clean upholstery and carpets, either by professional service or using appropriate cleaning equipment.



-Clean and disinfect light switches and doorknobs.

- Dust and wipe down electronics, such as TVs and computer screens.

-Clean reachable ceiling light fixtures and chandeliers.


Outdoor Areas (if applicable):

-Sweep and tidy up the front porch and entryway.

- Clean outdoor furniture and cushions.

-Clear debris from the backyard and garden.


Remember to wear appropriate cleaning gear and use environmentally friendly cleaning products to ensure a thorough and safe deep cleaning of your house.

Renovation Cleanup Checklist for Commercial Building:



- Review the renovation plans to understand the scope of work and areas affected.

- Ensure safety measures are in place for any hazardous materials or construction debris.


General Cleaning:

- Remove construction debris, including wood, drywall, and any other discarded materials.

- Sweep and vacuum all areas to eliminate dust and loose particles.

- Wipe down walls, ceilings, and light fixtures to remove dust and dirt.

- Clean windows and glass surfaces for a clear view.

- Dust and clean air vents and registers.



- Clean and mop hard floors, removing any adhesive residue.

- Vacuum and steam clean carpets to remove dirt and debris.

- Polish and buff hard surfaces for a shiny finish.



- Clean and sanitize toilets, sinks, and countertops.

- Scrub and disinfect bathroom floors and walls.

- Refill soap dispensers, paper towel holders, and toilet paper rolls.



- Clean and disinfect kitchen countertops, sinks, and appliances.

- Wipe down cabinets and handles.

- Empty and clean refrigerator and microwave.

- Restock kitchen supplies and dispose of expired items.


Windows and Glass:

- Clean interior and exterior windows to remove construction-related smudges and marks.

- Wipe down window sills and tracks.


Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans:

- Dust and clean light fixtures and ceiling fans.


Furniture and Fixtures:

- Wipe down and disinfect furniture, shelves, and other fixtures.

- Polish metal surfaces for a clean appearance.


Entryways and Exteriors:

- Sweep and tidy up entryways and front porches.

- Remove any debris and dirt from the exterior.


Final Inspection:

- Perform a thorough walkthrough to ensure all areas are clean and free of debris.

- Address any remaining issues before handing over the renovated space to the client.


Safety and Disposal:

- Dispose of construction waste and hazardous materials properly and in accordance with regulations.

- Ensure all cleaning products used are safe for the environment and occupants of the building.


Note: The extent of the renovation cleanup may vary based on the scale and nature of the renovation project. This checklist serves as a starting point, and you may need to adjust it to suit the specific requirements of your commercial building renovation cleanup.

Dear Lusso Clean Team,


We would like to reinforce an important policy to ensure consistency and professionalism in our service delivery. It is crucial that our team members refrain from leaving behind any personal contact information or business cards for customers or clients. If the customer expresses interest in using our services again, kindly direct them to contact our office directly for any bookings or inquiries.


Additionally, we want to emphasize that our team members should not attempt to collect payment directly from customers for the job, unless it is a tip for exceptional service. All payment transactions should be processed through our office to ensure accuracy and proper record-keeping.


By adhering to these guidelines, we maintain a streamlined and organized approach to managing client interactions and payments. This further demonstrates our commitment to providing a professional and reliable service to all our valued customers.


Should you have any questions or need further clarification on these policies, please do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the office. Your cooperation is highly appreciated as we strive to uphold the highest standards in our daily operations.


Thank you for your continued dedication and adherence to our company's policies.



Lusso Clean Management Team


Thank you for reading and applying our polices & training to your work.  

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      MONDAY - FRIDAY: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM    SATURDAY: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM




DIRECT LINE: 202.996.5665

Lusso Clean payment




Lusso Clean donation
Ms Pratt, Annapolis MD
Recipient of Lusso Loves Program

Thank you so much for everything, honestly,
anything helps and I appreciate all of it.

Donation Items Received:

  • Brand New Microwave
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Target Gift Card$50.00
  • Case of Water
  • Dish Soap


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